Miller Creek School District Bond Measure C
Thank you, Miller Creek School District voters for approving the District's Bond Issue, Measure C on Nov. 4, 2014.
Your support for Measure C authorized the district receive $30 million through issuing general obligation bonds. in order to update aging classrooms and instructional technology, provide updated middle school science classrooms, upgrade electrical wiring to current safety codes, improve campus safety and security, repair, construct, acquire, equip classrooms, sites, facilities. No Bond funds were to be used for administrators, salaries, benefits or pensions.
Miller Creek School District Bond projects
Roof Replacement Districtwide,

Vallecito Playground,

Miller Creek Middle Lohwasser Field, 2015

Lucas Valley Multi-Use Room, 2016

Vallecito Courtyard,

Mary E Silveira Multi-Use Expansion, 2016

Lucas Valley Modernization, 2017

Miller Creek Middle School HVAC, 2017

Vallecito Modernization, 2017

Mary E Silveira Modernization, 2018

Lucas Valley Lighting,

Miller Creek Middle School Modulars, 2019

Citizen's Oversight Committee
The purpose of the Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee for Miller Creek School District is to ensure that bond revenues are only expended for the , upgrade and modernization of school facilities including the furnishing and equipping of school facilities, as approved by the voters and as identified in the district’s school facilities project list prepared for Measure C.
Facilities and Enrollment Planning
Board PPT on Demographic Study, Jan. 2017
Bond Oversight Committee Meetings Agendas and Minutes Next Meeting: March 5, 2020
Dec. 5, 2019 Agenda Minutes Slides
Mar. 21, 2019 Agenda Minutes
Feb. 27, 2018 Agenda Minutes Slides
Sept. 19, 2017 Agenda Minutes Slides
Feb. 28, 2017 Agenda Minutes Slides
Sept. 20, 2016 Agenda Minutes Slides
Sept. 29, 2015 Agenda Minutes
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