About the Board
Board Governance
School board governance is the act of transforming the needs, wishes and desires of the community into policies that direct the community's schools. The Miller Creek School District school board is comprised of five Trustees who are elected by the community to serve four year terms. The Board is subject to the rules of the Brown Act.
Specific Responsibilities of the School Board
- Plan, set, and monitor District goals
- Employ the Superintendent and set policy for hiring classified and certificated personnel
- Oversee the Development and Adoption of Bylaws and Policies
- Establish and Monitor budget priorities including adopting the annual budget and LCAP
- Set Direction for and Approve Adoption of the Curriculum
- Assist with negotiations and adopt collective bargaining agreements
- Monitor Student achievement and program effectiveness, require program changes as needed
How to Address the Board
Written Correspondence
The Miller Creek Board of Trustees is interested in your point of view. If you would like to communicate your thoughts to the Board you may contact them via email: pubcomms@millercreeksd.org or by mail: Board of Trustees, Miller Creek School District 380 Nova Albion Way, San Rafael, CA 94903
At a Board Meeting
The Board of Education encourages your participation in its deliberations. If you wish to address the Board on an agenda item, please obtain a card that is on the table along with the agenda; fill out the card completely and give it to the board secretary. Your card will be presented to the Superintendent who will call you at the appropriate time during the discussion of that agenda item.
If you wish to address the Board on an item that is not on the agenda, you may speak during the Public Comment on non agenda items section of the agenda. Board members are legally prohibited from discussing non-agenda items and, therefore, will not respond to items presented during this portion of the meeting.
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