Miller Creek School District will be accepting online registrations for the 2025-2026 school year starting January 20, 2025 through June 16, 2025.
Before registering your new student, please confirm that your home address is within the Miller Creek School District boundaries and the home school for your neighborhood by reviewing the Miller Creek School District Boundaries Street Grid, or finding your home adress in the following drop down menu.
OPTION 1 (On-line Enrollment):
- To start the registration process, please click this link Aeries Online Enrollment. Follow all prompts to completion.
- In order to finalize your child's enrollment, bring your supporting documents to the homeschool. You will need to provide documentation, including, for example, proof of residency, proof of immunizations, a passport, or an original birth certificate verifying the date of birth.
OPTION 2 (Print Enrollment Packet):
- Download the enrollment packet in the grey bar on the right. Once you fill out the forms, please take them to your homeschool. The forms are PDF files.
- In order to finalize your child's enrollment, bring your completed enrollment forms with supporting documents to the homeschool. You will need to provide documentation, including, for example, proof of residency, proof of immunizations, a passport, or an original birth certificate verifying the date of birth.
Please have registration documents turned in by March 1, 2025 and health exam and immunization records turned in by June 1, 2025.
Home Address
Important: You can begin the online registration process as soon as you are physically living full-time in the Miller Creek School District. Simply owning property or holding a lease does not qualify as residency.
2025-26 Transitional Kindergraten Program Information
Students that turn 4 on or before September 1 can enroll in transitional kindergarten.
AM classes at each school site will be filled first. PM classes will be filled if enrollment exceeds capacity for AM classes.
AM classes run 8:19 - 11:45 Monday - Friday.
2025-26 Kindergarten Program Information
Students that turn 5 on or before September 1 can enroll in kindergarten.
Kindergarten program times have changed for the 2025-26 school year.
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 8:19 - 2:25
Wednesday: 8:19 - 1:50
* Kindergarten program will have early dismissal at 11:50 am for at least 10 days for purposes of 1:1 assessments. After 10 days, the first day of full-day will be the following Monday.
- Student Registration Card - required for Grades TK-8th.
- Transition to Kindergarten - Child Snapshot - required for Grade K; To be completed by student's preschool teacher.
- Placement Card - required for Grades TK-5th.
- Elective Selection Form - required for Grades 6th-8th.
- Home Language Survey - required for Grades TK-8th.
- Oral Health Assessment/Waiver Request Form - required for Grades TK-1st; The state of California requires that all students must have an oral health assessment (dental exam) completed by May 31st in either the student's first year in public school or completed within the 12 months prior to entering the school year. Form to be completed by parent/guardian and dentist.
- Immunizations Form - required for Grades TK-8th; For Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten students, the state of California requires that all students have current immunizations including the 5 year boosters to enter school. For 1st to 8th grade students, although a current copy of immunization will probably be sent with your child’s cum folder, we still must have a copy of current immunizations before the first day of school. Required to enter 7th grade: Tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis booster (Tdap).
- Health Examination - required for Grades TK-1st; A completed Health Examination Report of physical exam done no earlier than 18 months before entering 1st grade - after March 1, 2023 for children entering TK and Kindergarten for the 2023/24 school year. Form to be completed by parent/guardian and doctor.
*IMPORTANT: Please have completed Health Exam Report and Immunization records to your child’s school by June 1, 2023.
- Health Appraisal - required for Grades TK-8th.
- Address Verification/Fraudulent Enrollment Form - required for Grades TK-8th; Along with this form, you must provide four documents that prove your residency in the Miller Creek School District.
- Birth Certificate or Passport - required for Grades TK-8th; The certified birth certificate has a seal or embossed area that you can feel and is a government issued document.
District Boundaries Street Grid
Intra-district Transfer Request 2025-26
Inter-district Transfer Request (English) 2025-26
Inter-district Transfer Request (Spanish) 2025-26
Where Education Begins...
When a child enters school in the Miller Creek School District, he or she embarks on an inspiring educational adventure. Miller Creek District's program provides a wealth of multi-sensory, hands-on experiences, and establishes the foundation needed to develop intellectual competencies and self-esteem. Miller Creek District administrators and staff are pleased to be a part of your child's education, and we welcome your family to our district.
Registration during the current school year...
New families moving into the Miller Creek School District during the current school year may register their children by downloading the registration packet for their home school and emailing it to their school's secretary.
Lucas Valley Elementary School
1175 Idylberry Road, San Rafael CA 94903 * Phone: (415) 492-3730 * Fax: (415) 3736
Mary E Silveira Elementary School
375 Blackstone Drive, San Rafael CA 94903 * Phone: (415) 492-3741 * Fax: (415) 507-9783
Vallecito Elementary School
50 Nova Albion Way, San Rafael CA 94903 * Phone: (415) 492-3750 * Fax: (415) 492-3757
Miller Creek Middle School
2255 Las Gallinas Avenue, San Rafael CA 94903 * Phone: (415) 492-3760 * Fax: (415) 492-3765
Can my child attend a school other than our neighborhood school?
Parents may apply for an intra-district transfer to enroll a child in a Miller Creek School District school other than the family’s neighborhood school. Intra-district transfer request forms are available for pick-up at the Miller Creek School District Office or download it from the menu on the left. Intra-district transfers are granted on a space-available basis.
When can I meet my child's teacher?
The district offers an opportunity for parents to visit classrooms on a day prior to the beginning of each new school year.
What are some things parents can do to help their TK/Kindergarten student?
Read aloud daily to your child. Let your child see that you enjoy reading. Notify your child's teacher of problems at home that may cause emotional stress for your child (e.g., divorce, loss of a pet, death in family, etc.)
Who can I call if I have more questions?
You are welcome to call your neighborhood school or the Miller Creek School District Office at (415) 492-3700.
*District-provided bus transportation is available. For more information, please visit the Transportation website.
*Lunch at no cost to families is available for all students. For more information, please visit the Lunch Program website.
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