Superintendent Becky Rosales

Superintendent Becky Rosales is a seasoned and dedicated administrator with a proven track record of success in education. With extensive experience as a teacher, administrator, and superintendent, she has honed her skills to become a multifaceted and effective leader. Throughout her career and years at Miller Creek School District, she has consistently demonstrated her greatest strength: building and maintaining strong relationships with students, teachers, staff, families, and community stakeholders. This skill has been the cornerstone of her leadership philosophy. Whether it's working on her commitment to diversity and inclusivity, she has ensured that all members of the school community are engaged and included.
Having worked in education for over 30 years, Becky has a deep understanding of the complexities and nuances of educational leadership. She has a unique perspective, having worked in districts comprising revenue limits and basic aid structures. Her experience includes successfully guiding her district through fiscal and facility challenges while keeping student success at the forefront. Her role has also encompassed various facets of district operations, from strategic planning to day-to-day school management, emphasizing student safety and success, crisis management, and community representation. Becky’s commitment to creating a positive school and district culture, fostering inclusion, and addressing equity concerns aligns seamlessly with the values and goals of the Miller Creek School District.
She and her husband Enrique are longtime Marin County residents and have raised two children. On the weekends, she enjoys spending time with her grandchildren and fur babies.
Becky Rosales
(415) 492-3706
Julie Chang
Executive Assistant to the Superintendent
(415) 492-3706
Julie Chang supports the Superintendent and the Board of Trustees. Members of the community should contact the office through Julie Chang.
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