Creating Safe Schools
Anti-Harassment Statement
The Miller Creek School District (“District”) does not tolerate acts of harassment, including, but not limited to, harassment based on sex, gender, or gender stereotyping. The District is committed to promptly investigating and addressing any reports of such harassment. It is the District’s goal and desire that all students, parents and staff work together cooperatively and intentionally to prevent harassment of any kind.
Any student or staff member found after investigation to have engaged in harassment or other prohibited acts which create a hostile environment based on sex, including gender or gender stereotyping, will be appropriately disciplined. Based on the facts discovered during investigation, discipline might include student suspension and/or expulsion or termination of employment for staff.
Any student who believes that s/he has been subjected to harassment or a hostile environment based on sex, including gender or gender stereotyping, is encouraged to report that contention to the District without delay so that a prompt investigation can be conducted. Allegations of harassment and/or discrimination should be promptly directed to the Superintendent.
Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment`
Board Policy, Administrative Regulations & Reporting Form
- Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment BP (Personnel) (PDF)
- Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment AR (Personnel) (PDF)
- Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment BP (Student) (PDF)
- Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment AR (Student) (PDF)
- Incident Report Form (fillable form) (PDF)
Board Policy, Administrative Regulations & Reporting Form
- Applications, Forms & Policies
- Board Meeting Agendas (opens in new window)
- Board Meeting Calendar
- Celebrating Students
- Cleaning, Sanitizing, & Disinfecting
- Community Resources
- Creating Safe Schools
- Development Impact Committee
- District Boundaries Map (opens in new window)
- Emergency Preparedness
- Enrollment/Online Registration
- Parent Portal (opens in new window)
- ParentSquare: District and School Communications
- Safety Instructional Videos
- School Meals Program
- Student Calendar
- Transportation & Bus Pass
- Transitional Kindergarten
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