School Site Council

Mrs. Whitten

Mrs. Whitten, Teacher

Mrs. Olson, Intervention

Mrs. Olson, Intervention 

Mr. Anderson

Mr. Anderson, Principal

Mrs. Sullivan

Mrs. Sullivan, Teacher

Mr. Peregoy

Mrs. Cunha, Teacher

Mr. Albers

Mr. Albers, Parent

Ms. Ellison

Mrs. Ellison, Parent

Mr. Dance

Mr. Dance, Parent

Mrs. Janos, Parent

Mrs. Duggal, Parent

School Site Council

The Lucas Valley School Site Council is a group of elected parents, teachers, and administrators who work to develop and implement the school's state-mandated and approved Site Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA), Comprehensive Site Safety Plan, and contribute to the development of the LCAP.

The goals of the Site Council include:

  • Reviewing, revising, and assessing the school plan and determining action priorities
  • Reviewing and revising the Site Safety Plan - monitor school-wide safety drills
  • Collaborate on setting goals and drafting the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) in response to student data
  • Promoting communication throughout the school community

Over the course of a year, a typical council might consider the goals of the school or district and then work with the principal to evaluate the school's progress toward those goals. In this evaluation, the council might consider school test scores, attendance, discipline records, parent surveys, and input from students.

2024-2025 Site Council Team!


Mark Albers - Year 2

Matt Dance - Year 2

Heather Ellison- Year 2

Virgina Janos - Year 2

Suchia Duggal - Year 1


Noel Olson - Intervention

Chris Whitten - Teacher

Nicole Cunha - Teacher

Deb Sullivan - Teacher

Will Anderson – Principal

2024-2025 - Meeting Dates, Thursdays, Monthly, 3:00-4:00 pm

Meeting Dates Links to Agendas
October 10th Agenda
November 14th Agenda
January 16th Agenda
February 27th Agenda
April 3rd Agenda
May 15th Agenda

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