Principal Welcome!

Dear Lion Nation Community,
Dear Lucas Valley Lion Families,
It is with great pleasure and enthusiasm that I welcome all of you, both new and returning, to the Lucas Valley Lion Pride! I hope all of you had a spectacular summer break and are just as refreshed and excited as I am for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year! We have been busy preparing for your children's arrival and I assure you, the year before us is about to ROCK!
Let me begin by sharing how honored and privileged I am to be working alongside such dedicated instructional and support staff as well as all of you in support of our singular purpose, providing an emotionally and socially safe, nurturing, and academically challenging learning environment for every child stepping onto our campus.
Keep in mind that as a parent of a 19-year-old in his second year of colleg, I am intimately familiar with your child’s educational journey so wherever and whenever I can add a voice of support or be a thought-partner, you need only reach out. I am learning as I go and what I can share is that it is beautifully humbling.
In terms of our hopes and aspirations, it is our continued commitment to foster resilience, perseverance, empathy, effective communication within diverse learning partnerships, and the inclusion of critical thinking opportunities across all learning spectrums, that will remain the bedrock of our work. We have plenty of opportunities for you and your children to step into leadership positions so make the leap when the offers present themselves.
In addition, we will continue directing significant attention to the physical and social-emotional safety of every child through daily counseling support, our district-wide Multi-Tiered Support Systems (M.T.S.S.) - CASEL 5 Competencies, and our local law enforcement agencies. In fact, I just attended our annual Marin County administrator's meeting, and a significant chunk of the agenda was dedicated to connecting our local law enforcement and fire department teams with our local school leaders. More to come on this later, but safe to say that the entire county is focused on enhancing community partnerships and strengthening communication channels with one another.
As far as our approach to Covid-19, we will continue following the parameters laid out by our partners at the Marin County Department of Public Health. They are to be commended for their communication efforts during this pandemic as well as the direct work our healthcare workers have provided for those in need. There are no words to convey our appreciation. Be on the lookout for Covid-19 and Monkey Pox updates.
Finally, one of the pronounced characteristics of our Lucas Valley community is the genuine care and compassion shared between staff, students, and families. This was an identified strength within our Spring Youth Truth Survey. Look for those welcoming letters from our Home and School team, led by Erika Gendreau, and step right in. Together, we are a deeply connected team tethered to our core principles of keeping every child at the core of our thinking and planning. We will continue this journey together, spreading the joy of learning as we move along.
I look forward to a very productive and successful school year and wish everyone a wonderful first day of school!
Will Anderson
Lucas Valley Elementary School
(415) 492-3730
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