5th Grade Outdoor Education

We are scheduled for March 10th-13th, 2025
Walker Creek Overview
Located outside of Petaluma in West Marin, the property has over 20 miles of hiking trails on 1,741 acres and has abundant wildlife and diverse habitat including grassland, forest, and coastal chaparral. At Walker Creek Ranch, the outdoor environment becomes the classroom - and the weather, land, natural communities, water, and sky become the tangible content for the lessons. They take pride in providing hands-on, field-based activities that bring science to life for students. This adventure is a 4-day, a 3-night adventure for our Silveira Students. Click here for their complete website.
Walker Creek History
Walker Creek Ranch’s 1700 acres were first inhabited by the Coastal Miwok tribe. Traces of this Native American society are still evident at the site, including a large Grinding Rock and artifacts that are on display at the school’s museum. Click here for more information about their history.
Curriculum and Accreditation
At Walker Creek Ranch we work closely with our visiting schools and teachers to tailor each outdoor education program to their preference. Naturalists communicate with teachers at the beginning of the week to see what has already been covered, and what specifically those teachers would like their students to experience that week. Topics can include habitats, biodiversity, food chains, organic gardening, pond, and creek studies, teambuilding, energy and water cycles, adaptations, native plants, ecosystems, and more.
All of our lessons are aligned to Next Generation Science Standards, and our outdoor education program is certified through the California Department of Education by the California Outdoor School Association, Residential Outdoor Science School (ROSS) Certification program.
Frequently Asked Questions
Students stay in comfortable cabins that are heated, carpeted, and furnished with sturdy bunk beds. The Student Bath House is situated in the center of campus and is equipped with restrooms and private shower stalls. Students are divided into separate boy and girl cabins, 8-12 students per group, and are supervised by cabin leaders provided by attending schools. Classroom teachers attend schools and sleep in the Teacher’s Lodge, which is a lodge situated in the middle of campus and is also the location of our student infirmary.
Classroom teachers, Cabin Leaders, and Outdoor School Instructional staff work together to provide around-the-clock supervision of students. Every school that attends is required to recruit either High School students or adult chaperones to act as cabin leaders. These cabin leaders stay in the cabin with students as well as support activities on the trail. All cabin leaders receive a full orientation and training upon their arrival. The cabin leaders along with the teachers and naturalist staff, provide consistent 24-hour supervision for students.
Outdoor Education Staff
All staff at Walker Creek Ranch are employees of the Marin County Office of Education and are carefully screened, background checked, and certified in First Aid and CPR. The school staff is professional educators whose top priority is the safety and well-being of each individual student. They are dedicated, positive individuals who know how to make learning hands-on, fun, and inclusive. Each is truly gifted in their ability to teach young people about our connection to one another and the natural world. Click here for more information about their team.
“Kid-friendly”, nutritious, well-balanced meals are prepared by professional food service staff. A large percentage of our produce is provided by the local farmers' markets and in cooperation with Marin Organic, as well as supplemented by the harvest from our own organic garden. Every effort is made to provide menu alternatives for students with special dietary needs.
Will there be a Parent Evening?
Yes. (TBD)
What are the dates for this program?
Students depart on March 10th and return to school, Thursday, March 13th, 2025.
How will my child be traveling to and from Walker Creek?
What is the cost of the program?
Total cost: (TBD)
Initial payment: (TBD) is due by (TBD)
Final Payment: (TBD)is due by (TBD)
We ensure that every student is provided the opportunity to attend. If your family is in need of financial assistance, requests must be made in writing to Principal Anderson, no later than (TBD)
If you have any questions, please contact your child’s teacher or Principal Anderson.
Are there scholarships available?
Yes! If you cannot afford to attend this program, let Principal Anderson know through an email or letter by (TBD), at the latest and we will provide support.
What are my payment options?
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