Room Parents

Room Parents 2024-2025

Teacher Class Parent
Sullivan TK/K

Karsson Hevia  Marie Barnes  Alicia Pontecorvo

Whitten K

Marjan Esfandiari  Dionce Villamor  

Reddick 1 Danielle Borenstein  Rachel Gray  Laura Slaughter
Camarda 1 Julia Faidi  Alexis Harrington  
Cunha 2 Sarah Smithline  Erin Keane
Osterman 2 Dionice Villamor  Nicole Hricak
deGuia-Bumgarner  3 Gabby Sharp  Jamie Katoff
Shaver 3 Emily Erlingsson  Lisa Ruggeri  
Peregoy 4 Karsson Hevia  Sarah Smithline
Berringer 4 Laura Slaughter  Amanda Havel
Dye 4 Erin Deeds  Maura Prendiville
Caceres 5 Gabby Sharp  Xenia Mul
Liebman 5 Lindsey Dowd  Angela Bliss-Steiner

Room Parent Materials

Room Parent Handbook

Volunteer Description

The primary role of a room parent is to provide support and assistance to the teacher. The room parent(s) should talk with the teacher about how he/she would like to work with room parents, parent volunteers, and other classroom help. Every teacher's needs are different! Then, using that information, the room parent(s) can develop a plan for the year that directly addresses the teacher’s unique needs and preferences.

As a team, the room parent(s) are responsible for, but not limited to:

  • Facilitating classroom parties (planning, communicating with parents, running the events, cleaning-up)
  • Coordinating classroom volunteers (creating sign-ups, coordinating the class loop duty, helping facilitate a schedule, communicating the schedule to parents, confirming volunteers before their shifts to ensure full participation)
  • Organizing drivers for field trips (overseeing sign-ups, confirming volunteers, checking with parents and the office to be sure all district-required 'Driver Information Sheets' are on-file for drivers before the events)
  • Planning, communicating, and acting on teacher appreciation activities (birthday, teacher appreciation week, end of year gift)
  • Helping to ensure clear, timely communication between the teacher and parents regarding activities, events, and needs in the classroom
  • Assisting with classroom-related administrative tasks, such coordinating student book orders and/or helping with special projects
  • Responding to and/or organizing assistance for ad hoc requests (e.g., classroom clean-up days, requests for supplies, etc.)

Please note: Specific responsibilities may vary by teacher.

Room Parents 1
Room Parents 2
Room Parents 3
Room Parents 4
Room Parents 5

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