
Lucas Valley Elementary School Volunteer Guidelines
The giving of your time, support, and guidance to our students and faculty is truly appreciated. Most of the school activities and events simply would not happen without the participation of our volunteers. Understand that the principal is responsible for the safety of all students and staff and that participation of volunteers in the school program is under his/her supervision and approval. Below are ethics and guidelines that must be followed while you are volunteering at Lucas Valley Elementary School.
Code of Ethics
- I will respect the rights of the children, staff, and fellow volunteers at all times.
- I will be fair, inclusive, and not discriminate in any manner.
- I will be honest, trustworthy, dependable, responsible, and respectful.
- I will notify the school when unable to attend.
- I will have a positive attitude. I realize that children learn from watching me.
- I agree to accept training and guidance from the staff.
- I will conduct myself with a sense of professionalism.
- I will notify the teacher or principal of any problems or concerns I may have.
- I understand that my role is to support the needs of the teacher, students, and school.
- I understand that posting information or opinions on social media sites such as Facebook or Twitter, violates both the code of ethics and our sense of confidentiality that helps maintain a healthy school community.
Volunteers should realize that they have a position of trust. Personal information pertaining to students or staff, as well as conversations between parents, teachers, staff members, and students, MUST be kept confidential. Volunteers are NOT permitted to view any part of a student's records including test scores, report cards, attendance reports, or any other document that would be included in student records. What you SEE or HEAR in a school, classroom, hallway, bathroom, on a field trip, or on the playground should be considered confidential and only discussed with a teacher, counselor, or principal.
Should you want to discuss your own child with a specific teacher, please request a conference or phone call and be prepared to discuss the matter outside of the school hours. It is difficult for the teachers to address these kinds of questions while school is in session.
School Guidelines
- Confidentiality: Volunteers must protect all personally identifiable data, information, and records collected, used, or kept by the school about a student. No gossiping will be permitted.
- Sign In: Volunteers (and visitors) must sign-in at the front desk. A volunteer should always have a name-tag on while on campus. Name-tags should also be worn while acting as a chaperone on a class field trip.
- Cell Phone: Cell phones may be used on campus, however, we ask that you use a "silent setting" so that the class is not disturbed. Phones should only be used for emergencies.
- Discipline: A teacher or staff member is responsible for student discipline. If you see a child behaving in a way that endangers themselves or others, you need to stop the behavior and report it to a staff member.
- Emergency Procedures: Classroom procedures and escape routes are located by the door of every room in the school. Drills are performed throughout the year. During a fire drill, the entire building is evacuated and each classroom reports to a designated area outside on the school campus. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with these safety plans.
- Dependability: Please be dependable and on-time. Teachers and staff count on you!
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