TK-5 Reporting on Learning

Parent Roadmap

Parent Roadmaps are a resource for families to better support their child in English Language Arts and Mathematics.

Kindergarten ELA

Kindergarten Math

Grade 1 ELA

Grade 1 Math

Grade 2 ELA

Grade 2 Math

Grade 3 ELA

Grade 3 Math

Grade 4 ELA

Grade 4 Math

Grade 5 ELA

Grade 5 Math


Students in grades TK-5 receive three report cards that communicate progress towards mastery of the skills and knowledge outlined by the Common Core State Standards (CCSS).

The Process to Determine Report Card Marks

No individual assessment, observation, or project can fully capture a student’s learning. As such, many measures are used as evidence when determining student report card marks. Before making a final determination for a report card mark, teachers analyze assessments, anecdotal observations, daily student work, and long-term projects. It is important to note that teachers have been reviewing the results of assessments and student work throughout the reporting period to determine instructional needs.

For more information about common core state standards, including links to brochures that explain the CCSS to families, please visit the California Department of Education’s website at

Social Emotional Learning

In the Miller Creek School District, we focus on building five core competencies that support Social Emotional Development: Self- Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness, Relationship Skills, and Responsible Decision-Making. These competencies can be taught and integrated in classrooms, schools, homes, and communities. The report card reports the level of consistency of students demonstrating the competencies.


SEL Descriptors

Click on the button below to read examples of each of the CASEL 5 competencies.

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