Miller Creek Middle School Math Pathways
The Miller Creek Board of Education held a special Study Session on December 8, 2021 to focus deeply on understanding the development of the California Mathematics Framework and possibilities for middle school math pathways for the 2022-23 school year.
Trustees were joined by Principal Tate, Assistant Principal Lecy, and the five middle school mathematics teachers. The public was able to view and listen to the Study Session via Zoom.
The group generated shared values related to mathematics education, read and processed excerpts from the California Mathematics Framework, considered the recent math pathways, and reviewed district data that included achievement in mathematics by student group and the historic composition of algebra classes by race.
Future work related to math pathway possibilities include the monitoring of student performance data, including disaggregating the data by various student groups, further articulating the pathway model that will be implemented in future years, and engaging in countywide work with other districts. Please note, it is the intention of the District to develop a pathway that is equitable and allows for some students to accelerate through four years of coursework (including Algebra 1) in three years.
Math Resources
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