Counseling and Wellness
The Miller Creek School District has made a clear commitment to having a comprehensive counseling department and supports counseling (academic, social, and emotional) in the school setting.
Miller Creek Counselors provide daily counseling for all students individually and in groups, and act as a referring person to other agencies. Students may request an appointment to see a counselor through the office, a teacher, email or by directly dropping by the counseling offices during breaks or passing periods. Students are assigned a counselor by last name and by grade level and will stay with the same counselor throughout their time at Miller Creek.
- 6th Grade - Ashley Marty amarty@millercreeksd.org, 415-492-3797
- 7th Grade - Alison Zampino azampino@millercreeksd.org, 415-492-3799
- 8th Grade - Cheryl Jacobs cjacobs@millercreeksd.org, 415-492-3789
* MCMS Counseling & Wellness Website *
Are you concerned about a friend or yourself? If you’re at school, please reach out to an adult on campus or your school counselor immediately. If it’s after school hours, here are some additional resources:
- Concerned about a friend? Check out this website: Teen Line Online
- Help for yourself or others? Check out this website: Crushing the Curve
Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you are hurting. Don’t be afraid to let your friends, family, or teachers know what you need when they ask; they want to help. You can also call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline any time — calls are confidential 1-800-273-8255.
Digital Mental Health Support for Youth, Young Adults, and Families
CalHOPE is a groundbreaking new program providing free, safe, and confidential mental health support for young people and families across the state with two easy-to-use mobile apps.
Call or text the CalHOPE Warm Line: (833) 317-HOPE (4673)
The CalHOPE warm line connects callers to people who have persevered through struggles with stress, anxiety, depression—emotions triggered by circumstances and events in everyday life. The peer counselors listen with compassion, provide non-judgmental support, and guide you to additional resources that can give hope and help you cope.
Additional counseling supports:
- The Crisis Text Line is available for students to text at any time on any topic: Text “MARIN" to 741741 for support to begin.
- Call Marin Suicide Crisis and Prevention Line at 415-499-1100 if you are worried about yourself or someone else. Open 24/7.
Parents/Caregivers: If you are worried that your child may be at risk of hurting themselves or someone else, support is available!
- Call Marin Mobile Crisis at 415-473-6392. From 1pm-9pm daily, staff are available to walk you through how to keep your child safe, either over the phone or by coming to your home to evaluate your child. This is a free service.
- Call 911 or take your child to the nearest hospital. Hospital staff will evaluate if they are able to keep themselves safe.
Resources for Coping with Tragedy
Resources for Coping with Tragedy
Talking with Kids about Violence: Tips for Parents and Teachers
Common Sense Media (Three minute video) - Explaining the News to Our Kids

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