Mission to Goals
Mission Statement:
Miller Creek Middle School is a community that encourages all its members- students, staff, and parents- to be lifelong learners who embrace a healthy lifestyle, demonstrate compassion and empathy for others, and act with integrity and honesty. It is the goal of this community to provide the tools and resources necessary to foster creative, independent thinkers who will become proud stewards of our world.
Vision Statement:
Miller Creek Middle School strives to be an exemplary organization that operates within a model of continuous improvement and life-long learning. As a school community, we focus our attention and resources on improving the character and achievement of our students and staff. We value a strong core curriculum that is enriched with a variety of electives in an environment that is supportive, safe and clean. We envision:
- Students who demonstrate respect for school staff, peers, parents, campus and community.
- Students who value learning and actively pursue academic excellence.
- Students who explore extra-curricular interests including the visual/performing arts, athletics, and Miller Creek clubs.
- Staff that models life-long learning and makes professional development an annual priority.
- Staff that collaborates on a regular basis to create lessons that stimulate active and creative learning.
- Staff that identifies and addresses the learning of all students, and, consequently, has a clear practice of differentiated instruction.
- Staff that communicates and models a consistent discipline system so that students have a clear understanding of behavior expectations.
- Curriculum that meets the learning needs of all students and has interventions when needed.
- Curriculum that is guided by specific, clearly articulated, challenging standards and goals.
- Curriculum that integrates technology and promotes creative, interactive learning that includes exploration and student-led inquiry.
- Curriculum that utilizes multiple assessments to guide instruction and confirm student learning.
- A school climate where the efforts and achievements of all students and staff are recognized and celebrated.
- A school climate where there are clear rules that are consistently enforced and modeled.
- A school climate that has reasonable student/teacher ratios to enhance the learning process.
- A school climate that encourages students to be healthy via physical activity and healthy lifestyle choices.
- A school climate that celebrates and appreciates diversity.
- A school climate that includes well maintained physical facilities that meet the needs of our school community and reflect pride in the school.
School Goals:
The School Site Council has analyzed the academic performance of all student groups and has considered the effectiveness of key elements of the instructional program for students failing to meet academic performance index (API) and adequate yearly progress growth (AYP) targets. As a result, it has adopted the following school goals, related actions, and expenditures to raise the academic performance of students not yet meeting state standards:
Goal #1 - Goal Statement: High academic achievement for all students through the teaching and learning of the California State Standards in English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science and World Languages using innovative lesson planning, standards aligned materials and varied instructional strategies.
Goal #2 -Goal Statement: Create and maintain a positive, healthy and safe school climate and community that is inclusive and empathetic so that our students can meet their academic and social potential. Support students by engaging in student-centered processes such as No Bully Solution Teams, restorative circles and peer court that address, bullying, student conflicts and violations of California education code. Provide students with effective social/emotional learning curriculum that promotes the development of self-awareness, self management, social awareness, responsible decision-making, and responsibility skills. Promote parent education and provide opportunities for staff and parents to develop and share ideas that support student social/emotional growth and development. Provide our school community with activities that promote and celebrate cultural and community diversity. Recognize and celebrate positive student behavior.
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