Homework Guidelines
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Homework is defined as work scheduled for completion outside normal class time. Such work shall be appropriate to grade level, subject matter, and instructional objective(s).
Homework contributes toward building responsibility, self-discipline, and lifelong learning habits. Homework should provide students with the opportunity to apply information they have learned, complete unfinished class assignments, and develop independence.
Specifically, the purpose and benefits of homework can include:
- Extend or make more meaningful concepts introduced at school.
- Engage students in purposeful practice relevant to their learning.
- Develop effective student habits.
- Develop independent learning skills.
Responsibilities of Students:
- Write down assignments in the Miller Creek Middle School Student Planner daily.
- Be sure all assignments are clear, don’t be afraid to ask questions if necessary.
- Set aside a regular time for studying in a quiet, well-lit study area.
- Work on homework independently, so that it demonstrates your best efforts. When
necessary, ask for appropriate homework help. - Produce quality work.
- Make sure assignments are done according to the given instructions, and
completed on time. - Be sure to get work missed due to illness or absence in a timely manner.
Responsibilities of Teachers:
- Ensure homework will be relevant, challenging, and meaningful to reinforce
classroom learning. Give clear instructions and make sure students understand the
purpose. - Provide parents with written guidelines of the homework requirements including
the relationship these guidelines have to the student learner and reporting grades. - Work to coordinate homework with grade level colleagues. Homework load,
grade weight, and timing within the workweek should be considered. - If a pattern of late or incomplete homework develops, involve parents and contact
them in a timely manner. - Check, review and provide timely feedback for homework.
- Ensuring that all students have the opportunity to complete quality homework.
- Homework will not be assigned over weekends or holidays. Advanced courses like
Geometry and/or long-term projects may be an occasional exception to this
Responsibilities of Administration:
- Implement district policy
- Supporting professional dialogue
- Promoting teacher collaboration
- Monitoring homework quality and quantity
- Facilitating interventions and academic support programs
Responsibilities of Parents:
- Set a regular, uninterrupted study time each day in a quiet, well-lit study area.
- Monitor student’s organization and daily list of assignments in their planner.
- Help students to focus on the learning, not to just get the work done.
- Be supportive when your child gets frustrated with difficult assignments.
- Contact teacher to stay well informed about the student’s learning progress.
- Monitor and/or check completed work. Use the planner, website, progress reports,
and report cards.
Actual time required to complete assignments will vary with each student’s study habits, academic skills, and selected course load. If your child is spending an inordinate amount of time doing homework, you should contact your child’s teachers, counselor, or school administrator. Students are encouraged to pursue non assigned, independent, leisure reading.
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