Payroll & Benefits

Welcome to Payroll & Benefits! This section is intended for the use of contracted employees of Miller Creek Elementary School District.

Eligibility for Benefits: Contracted employees who work half-time or more (at least 20 hours/week for classified or 0.5 FTE for certificated) are eligible for medical, dental, vision and disability insurance and will receive a Fringe Benefit Allowance as part of their compensation which can be used to purchase benefits.

Start and End Dates of Benefits: Coverage begins on the first day of the month following hire date. Benefits will end on the last day of the month of termination.

If you have questions, please email Carol Friesen at:

OPEN ENROLLMENT: Open Enrollment occurs from the beginning of the school year to the end of August (usually the 28th-29th). The current Open Enrollment Notice comes out at the beginning of school in August. Benefit-eligible employees have the option to enroll in medical and/or vision plans, add or drop eligible dependents, and/or change medical plans at that time. If already enrolled and no notice is sent in, renewal is automatic. Any new benefits elected and any changes to existing benefits will be effective October 1st and will appear on the September end of month paycheck.

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