Parcel Tax Exemption

Eligibility, Requirements & Form


To qualify for a Senior Exemption from the Parcel Tax during any tax year (July 1 - June 30) you:

  • Must have attained age 65 prior to July 1 of any applicable tax year.
  • ​A person must be the beneficial owner, or owner of the parcel
  • Must be your principal place of residence.

Steps to follow in applying for a Senior Exemption:

1.  Complete the application form:  Senior Exemption Application Form

2.  Provide a copy of either a drivers license, birth certificate or passport

3.  Provide a copy of a utility bill, preferably a PG&E bill with the stub attached.  Just the first page of your bill is fine.

4.  Email the above to the following email address:

5.  Alternatively mail these documents to:  "Parcel Tax"  The Miller Creek School District Office, 380 Nova Albion Way, San Rafael, 94903

Once an exemption is approved and in place the exemption shall continue in effect unless the property changes hands. No need to reapply each year.


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