Our School
It is the mission of Mary E. Silveira School to help each and every child realize his or her potential with opportunities that guide academic, social, emotional and physical development. Our commitment is to create an environment that engages students in academic work that helps them become responsible and productive citizens who are life long learners. We recognize and celebrate the diversity, strengths and inquisitive spirit of every child. We are prepared to work collaboratively with colleagues, students, and parents to achieve this shared educational purpose; instilling in children the belief that they can change the world....and have fun doing it.
We the Mary Silveira community, we envision a school in which...
Staff ...
- Feel the value and importance of their work
- Work together sharing a common purpose and common goals
- Have time to work together in supportive and collaborative teams
- Have high expectations for student achievement
- Provide a meaningful and challenging curriculum that helps all students to succeed
- Seek and implement promising strategies for improving student achievement on a continual basis
- Use effective instructional practices school wide
- Have access to up to date technology which is utilized to enhance education
- Provide student with opportunities to engage in community service
- Foster students’ intrinsic motivation to learn and to be good people
- Model importance of lifelong learning through commitment to personal and professional growth
- Engage families in the life of the school
- Promote healthy living and fitness
- Foster a caring, safe, respectful and responsible community
- Produce and present high quality work
- Demonstrate a desire to learn
- Build the confidence and capacity to take risks and learn from failures
- Are encouraged to compete not with each other but with their personal best
- Accept responsibility for their learning, decisions and actions
- Are able to face future challenges as active learners
- Connect knowledge to life outside school
- Believe in themselves and take pride in their achievements
- Foster a caring, safe, respectful and responsible community
- Work with staff as a community whose cooperation and trust make children feel safe and loved so they can experience success and feel inspired to learn
- Create a home environment that encourages and values learning
- Communicate high, yet reasonable, expectations for their child’s achievement
- Work with teachers to develop a partnership to support their child’s academic progress toward proficiency on grade level standards fostering a caring, safe, respectful and responsible community
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